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Private Label & White Label

1. What is the meaning of a Private Label?
A private label brand is a type of business where the products are sold under the name of the brand. The products in the private label business are manufactured by third-party sellers. It is the duty of the retailer to provide essential details such as color, size, and packaging box conditions to the manufacturer. Once that is provided, the manufacturer makes the product.

2. What is the meaning of the White Label?
In white-label, the control of the products is in the hands of the supplier. The supplier manufactures the products and sells that to multiple retailers. The key feature of white label products is that the design, color scheme, and packaging details remain the same. The retailers put their own logo and sell the product under their own name. The retailers have the option to rebrand the product under their own name. However, as far as size and other technical parameters are concerned, they cannot change that.

3. Private Label or White Label- What is the best solution?
There is no such thing as the best solution when comparing these both business models. That is because it entirely depends on you.
● Private label is when you are the only seller selling that product. If someone is looking to launch a product that is owned by him/her only, then you should go for a private label. Here, the design parameters, product name, and marketing will be owned by you.
● White label is when multiple sellers are selling the same product. The only visible difference is the brand name. If you have a low budget and cannot spend money or time developing a new product, then the white label is the solution for you.
In short, both of the business models are designed to meet the requirements of people who want to launch their own brand. So, it depends on how you want to launch the brand in this competitive market.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Label
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the private label business. This will further help you in understanding whether you should go for this scheme or not.
    ● Advantages
    The control of the production process is in the hands of seller
    The seller can control the prices
    They can create the product according to their requirements
    Helps in creating a proper brand effect
    ● Disadvantages
    Is expensive and requires a lot of time
    Gives out returns in the long term rather than short term

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of White Label
Here are the summarized disadvantages of the white label business.
    ● Advantages
    New beginners can enter the market easily
    It helps in saving time and money
    The only areas of focus are marketing
    It helps in getting stable development
    ● Disadvantages
    You cannot control the prices
    Limited designs and products are available
    You have to get in competition with other sellers

Private Label

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